Free Membership
Your guide to what you can access for FREE to get your journey to taking control of eczema started.

Free membership
In today's world it can be hard to share the kind of information we do. Simply put the health industry have a vested interest in keeping people in a state of dependency on their products i.e. sick. My belief is that anyone can change their health should they choose to educate themselves and take ownership. I also believe that no one should be constantly needing to take medication or nutritional supplements given the right support for their body (some extreme exceptions will apply here of course!).
I have set up as a private membership club to ensure a space where all members can speak freely without fear. The free membership is run on a private platform, and you will have access to all the benefits listed once you activate your account. I do have a facebook group, however this is not where I will give the most support, due to continued restrictions of social media platforms for natural health groups.